Mobile Home Loans For Those With Bad Credit

One of the first questions asked by a lender when approached for a mobile home loan is about the credit score of the borrower. Though many lending enterprises prefer working with folks who have good established credit, there are also many who are willing to do business with other potential mobile home buyers by offering bad credit mobile home loans. So, buying a mobile home or applying for a mobile home equity loan are all within the realm of possibility.

Credit Histories and Bad Credit Mobile Home Loans

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When a mobile home buyer approaches a lender for a loan, the first thing the lender wants to see is a credit report. For those who have a credit score of less than 620, there will probably be some hang ups from many lenders. Of course, with a little shopping around, a lender can be found. However, interest rates charged will be higher. In fact, the worse the credit score the higher the interest. Being able to fork over a good sized down payment will reduce interest rates to a degree. Later on down the line, if a payment is missed or is less than expected, that could lead to a serious balloon payment at the end of the term.

Bad Credit Mobile Home Equity Loans

Once again, the credit score is the big determining factor. A lender for a bad credit mobile home equity loan will check three main factors before processing the loan. The debt to income ration - does the borrower have enough expendable income to make payments? The credit history - what is the credit score of the borrower? The collateral - what may be the amount of the loan? Since the loan is a home equity loan, the value of the mobile home will dictate how much money can be vended. The lender usually retains rights to the deeds during the life of the loan. This reduces the risk to the lender and may even reduce interest rates a little.

Bad Credit Mobile Home Loans and Sub-Prime Lenders

If you, the borrower, has a history of late payments, non-payment, judgments, delinquencies, arrears or bankruptcies, that puts you into the bad credit category. On the other hand, there are people who do not have such histories but they have no solid finance capabilities due to physical disability or some similar problem, such as divorce or unemployment. Unfortunately, these folks, along with those just mentioned and those who have no credit history at all, are also put into the bad credit genre. Lenders willing to lend to such folks are call sub-prime lenders. These lenders usually demand collateral for these loans which is usually addressed by giving them deed to the property. Of course, these loans do tend to have interest rates higher than the regular market.

Lenders Are Available

Any persons indicated in the previous paragraph will be able to eventually find a lender willing to execute bad credit mobile home loans. After all, the lending process if just a matter of perspective. The lender has to determine the ability of the borrower to repay. Thus, if one lender will not proceed, shop around, Your diligence will be rewarded. So many folks, in these financially troubled times, have taken hits on their credit scores, that many willing lenders have recognized the market and stepped in to address the needs of consumers, you may be even able to shop around for the lowest interest rates and most comfortable repayment terms. That being the case, try to get quotes from at least three lending institutions.

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